Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Circle of Life

So, last night was homecoming.  First I would like to state that my friend Maggie did a post on this very same homecoming, and that post will look a lot like mine.  So click here if you would like to read it.

Yesterday, after going shoe shopping to cheer up my older sister, I went to Emily's house.  Maggie was there too, and Maddie came later.  Maggie, Emily, and I got ready there, while Maddie just came ready.  (You see, Maggie, Emily, and I are the home cooked meal while Maddle is the hot-and-ready Little Caesars pizza.)  However, Emily hurt herself in the process.  She did a kick, fell flat on her back, and it sounded like the couch had fallen over - to quote her mother.  Unfortunately later we decided against sticking an extra ibuprofen in her clutch for the 3 hours in heels that lay ahead for her.

And so commenced the hair-doing, pizza-eating (coincidentally Little Caesars), and almost bursting into tears on Emily's part.  Let's skip ahead to the dance, shall we?

The four of us walk in, all looking fabulous.  We not only looked fabulous but felt smashing.  And we were.  Emily's ibuprofen had kicked in, my shoes were not yet killing me slowly but surely, and Maggie had not yet felt a little depressed.  But that's all later, I'm getting ahead of myself.

We walked into the dance, and I must say it was very well decorated.  The theme was 'Taj Mahal Ball'.  The paper path on the floor was all ripped up from all the idiots who can't walk in heels correctly.  I am not one of those idiots, thankfully.  And so we walk into the gym, which no longer looks like the gym it's so decorated, and we see The Circle.

Now, I'm sure most of you reading this post have been to a dance.  However, I'll describe what happens just in case.  We start outside of The Circle.  People stand in groups nearer the walls than The Circle.  On the outside of The Circle there's just dancing, only dancing at this thing is more like a bounce-sway thing.  Just gotta get into the beat, man.  Go a little farther into The Circle and you find mostly harmless grinding.  Farther, more serious grinding.  So the closer you get to the inside of The Circle, the closer you get to where the sex is happening.

So at one point in this fine night before anything really went down and we were super bored, we stood and looked at that giant Circle of gyrating people.  Emily named it The Circle of Life - I readily agreed - and then wondered why they weren't caught.  And so I promptly said, 'Just gotta go with the beat!'

Later one of my other friends decided she wanted a guy to dance with.  She had been told (probably by her older sister) that there was this one corner in particular.  So we stood in that very corner, and we waited.  Albeit awkwardly.  Sure enough Anna walks up with her crush Kyle with another guy in tow.  Anna asked who wanted to dance with him, and so I promptly volunteered.

We went to the grinding part of the circle (Anna and Kyle too) and we were awkward.  It was awkward for a while, and then Emily came with this one Catholic kid she had told her Jesus theory to earlier.  We all dance, except for Kyle and Anna who just stand there and made out.  So when they finally pulled away from each other (for breathing purposes no doubt) Kyle waggled his eyebrows at Jake.  (Jake being the guy I danced with.)  The eyebrow waggle was promptly understood by all of us.  And so, after a seriously awkward hesitation, I kissed the guy.  After that I kissed him multiple times more.

Eventually I left, and Emily took it upon herself to have him give me his number.  So today we texted for a good two hours, and I learned a lot about the guy.  His last name, for example.  Also: he's a football player.

This is when I freaked out.  I freaked out it a good way, not a bad way.  Never did I ever think in my whole entire life that I would kiss a football player!  Ever!

I'm going to end this ridiculously long blog post with telling you people how thrilled I am!

If a man's kiss is his signature, this guy has a sloppy signature.

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