Sunday, October 2, 2011

Is a Piner as Bad as A Whiner?

So, I have this person that pines for me.  Shall we call them the Piner?  Of course we will, this is my blog, after all.  You see, I broke up with the Piner back a couple of months ago, mid August.  And from the name 'Piner', you can guess what they're doing.  Pining.  And it's sad, and I wish they would just go be happy dating one of my friends.  Because they are dating one of my friends, and it sucks that the friend is not really appreciated because Piner is still pining for me.  That was all directed at you *points at Piner*

So, anyway.  I was inspired by Maggie's rant/post thing, so go check it out!  It's very true, even though you have to read it a couple of times to work out what she's trying to say:

I wish I could rant about something as great as that, but I'm a rantless freak at the moment.  Well, it is the weekend.  Usually I have rants about my English teacher.  Argh, she makes me want to put her in a giant stained fish suit that it so discolored it looks grey when it started out  salmon pink and beat her within an inch of her life.  And then beat her half an inch more for good measure!

Maybe I do have a rant...

So you see, it's a woman.  She's early-thirties most likely.  I'm not that great at judging ages though.  However, she wears teenager jeans and t-shirts and has thin brown hair cut into a shoulder length bob thing.  Is it a bob if it's shoulder length?  Oh well.  She makes us journal almost every day.  It's for ten minutes that we have to nonstop write, and we have to fill two pages, but you gotta double space it or you get no points for it.  During this ten minutes she puts on classical music, because it does something to help you process, or concentrate, or some crap like that.  You are expected to write the whole time.

Now, I've always been told it quality over quantity.  You want to have a nice amount of good work rather than a shit load of well...shit.  That has always made sense to me.  She wants you to write lots, and have it all be really good.  And so I am forced to w r i t e  r e a l l y  l a r g e  a n d  b o l d m y  l e t t e r s  a n d  s p a c e  t h e m  a p a r t .  

But that really isn't the worst part.  The worst part is she has this want to instill morals into us.  She gives us topics like 'is it always right to get revenge?' and 'do you think you should forgive?  Why or why not?'  And after that torturous ten minutes of writing she would like to discuss it with us.  However, it isn't much of a discussion for long.  She picks on a couple of us, asks what we wrote.  And then when she finds the person who shares her views on it, she shoots off on how maybe we should all just give up revenge, after all: it's a terrible no good very bad thing to do!  And you should always forgive people, no matter what they did!  Killed my husband?  Oh, it was an accident!  Got it, got it.  Yes, I forgive you, Mother.

Makes me angry.  Everyday it's the same thing.  However, when we get to 'freewrite' I take it upon myself to write about the bloating of cadavers, and how that is actually caused in some part by maggots.  I hope she likes my two pages about that!