Sunday, October 16, 2011

What Time Is It? Rant Time!

“If I worked at McDonalds I would hire all old people.”  This was said to me a couple of hours ago.  I asked her why, and she answered that old people work harder.  This is where I rolled my eyes and asked her how did she know that?  She answered by saying that it was proven.
This whole rant is gonna go back to the whole ‘this generation is so lazy, blah blah blah’.  Well, let me start by saying that your great generation raised my generation.  As I personally think that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my generation that wasn’t wrong in earlier ones, I say kudos to the people who raised us.  They did an average job.
Saying that old people work harder came as an insult to me.  Because us teenagers, or those people in their twenties, they just don’t get it.  They’re so lazy.  What went wrong?  If some people really feel this way, they should feel ashamed of how they raised their kids..  You can blame yourself for how the world is turning out, right?  Right.
I don’t think you should say that old people work harder than younger people because I think that a person should be judged on their individual work ability and work ethic.  It might be true than in a study more old people work harder than the younger people, but that isn’t to say that you should hire all old people.  There are so many hard-working people out there, so many intelligent people, so many geniuses!  So If I were to work at a McDonalds, I would hire hard-working, friendly, people-pleasing people.
But now back to the generation issue.  I believe that how you’re raised affects how you will turn out to be as a person, but only, say, half of what ultimately goes into it.  The other half is formed by your experiences outside of the family home.  The places you travel, the people you look up to, the things you do.  All of those things change you, and mold you, until you come out a very different person than you were at age 1, or age 11, or age 18.  So I guess what I’m saying is that how you’re raised gives you a good foundation to build your character off of, if you want to build off of it.  You can always choose not to, you know.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't have said it better myself. Old people are the ones, by the way, who got this country into the economic mess it's in. And besides, working hard isn't the only virtue in life. Maybe your generation will be more kind, in general, or well-balanced. Hard work ain't life.
