Friday, August 12, 2011

Eating Fries in a Hospital is Not the Best Idea

I'm sitting here in the hospital lounge.  I can smell the stinky soap on my hands even though they are inches away from my face, typing away.  To eat fries with this smell lingering on my hands it takes great care and careful timing.  You suck in a breath, stop breathing, place the fry in your mouth.  Next, you start chewing and you must place your hand on your lap.  Then you can start breathing again and actually tasting the fry.  In this way you do not have to smell the soap that disinfects you so that nobody dies.  Yippee!

I can't tell if the two ladies behind me know each other or not, or they've spent a lot of time talking to one another while whoever they know is in the hospital.  One lady is going to have her anniversary soon.  The other lady is complaining about some other man.  She's complaining about how he never shows up, and when he doesn't he calls her and asks her where he's supposed to be.  I wonder if it's the same lady who's having her anniversary soon, or the second one?  Hmmm...

In other news, MY EYES ARE GREEN!  Who knew?  It's the purple eye shadow that I really have to thank.

Being in hospitals reminds me of Jason's final days.  Even though he was dying of leukemia and quite underage he nailed himself a nurse as a girlfriend.  Isn't that illegal?  If I were there I would have made some sort of clever sign for the 'plan' for the day when Brittany (the nurse girlfriend) was there.  I'm sure it would have something clever, including fraternization.  Now there's a great word to use!

And I leave you with this little comic, they I had to read twice to get.  Maybe you'll get it faster.

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