Thursday, August 25, 2011

She's a Mmm Mmm Mmm Hmmm...

School, and homework, and letter writing!  I know how to write letters, for gods sake!  I know how to address letters, too!  I'm a big girl, I can do it all. by. my. self.  Also, I might actually build up some muscle this year in PE if it keeps going like this.  I just barely met the health standards for sit-ups and push ups.  Yaaay, I am average!  It's so good to hear again, I missed it.

I'm tired, but I want to read more.  I just felt really extremely terribly guilty about not posting for two days, so I had to remedy that.

I learned about cholesterol today, a fact that I am very proud of.  Cholesterol is a fat-like substance (NOT a fat).  And it's affected by what fats you eat, and there's good and bad cholesterol!  You want to eat unsaturated fats, cuz they bring in the good cholesterol.  Also, after infancy and childhood your body makes its own cholesterol!  Amazing, truly.

Cholesterol, because I wondered what it looked like.

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