Sunday, August 14, 2011

I Kissed an Aggresive Goose

What the title says is true, but it was more of a peck/bite thing from the goose.  I hope I didn't get anything o.O  That's ALL we need, another person in the hospital!

Anyways, I have begun writing the fourth chapter of my story.  And the going is slow, but I'm thinking this chapter will probably be the best so far because I'm painstakingly adding in detail to make the paragraphs longer because I don't like seeing one liner's when I downsize the font.  And when I say 'downsize the font' I mean taking it from 22 to 12.  Because I like to see what I'm writing and I like big letters.  Much easier to read that way.

I'm thinking of making a banner for my story, but is it too soon?  Either way I'm going to need pictures for it and have thus starting collecting really cool pictures.  However, today I was sent a picture of Mr. Holliday's legs.  And so I will grace you with it's presence.  Sorry I got you excited though, because this isn't my computer and I'm leaving to eat.  Bye! 

1 comment:

  1. Wearing your glasses or your contacts might help you deal with the font issue. Isn't the 21st century great?! I can nag my kid via her blog comments.
