Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Self Imposed Bedtimes Work if You Have Self Discipline

I have exactly six minutes to pump out this post before my self imposed bedtime...and GO!

So today I found out the quirky guys name, but I'm not gonna tell you cuz that would ruin the secret.  His half smile fell short at 6/10, very disappointing, but maybe it'll get better?  Don't have time to linger.

Adam Sandler explained that if we went into a specialty branch of doctory goodness we'd be in our mid-thirties when we finally completed our training, and we would hit the big money then.  The lowest amount you could make is $200K and the highest is one million a year.

Painted rocks over at Burton today, I made one that said 'I Collect Your Souls'.  And an elephant.  Then we ran to Dairy Queen, slapping each other's backs, got a dessert, and then ran back slapping each others backs.  The long bean that I pulled out of the tree had giant mating bugs on it.  I screamed.


  1. On the other hand, techs make a ton of money for far less schooling and can work temp jobs where they get to live in all different cities and have all their living expenses paid WHILE earning their full salaries. Ponder on that, baby.

  2. Also, re: self-discipline: One thing at a time. Most important thing first. Start now.

  3. Maybe you can make his smile better. Cuz girls can do that to guys you know :D lol yes i am making stuff up, but its probably true from what ive read on tumblr xD youre telling me his name tomorrow if i see you, ya know.
