Friday, August 5, 2011

Everything to Everyone Everywhere

Well, I guess I should start off by explaining the title of this blog.  Current events was something that we did in my global perspectives class.  It was a class that was required, and so I took that and government (also required) in summer school.  I wasn't really excited about either.  I mean, it was SUMMER SCHOOL for crying out loud.  But the global perspectives class turned out to be really awesome, only made awesome by the fact of the absolutely fab teacher.  This teacher wanted us to bring in current events everyday, but it was extra credit so it was optional.  By the end of summer school we all looked forward to the current events portion of the day.  Partly because they were these crazy people (i.e. a British guy shot his mole off with a shotgun, lost a finger) and partly because it always ended with the teacher ranting about whatever it was they did and calling them fools! 

So though I will not post a current event everyday, I will about every week.  Because I miss current events.

I've had blogs before, and for about a week I would post everyday.  Then once a week.  Then once a month.  Eventually I wouldn't post at all.  But yesterday I started reading The Willy Wonka Experience.  Which is great, and so funny.  I can't help but use the word 'fab' because I read it all night last night and got no sleep whatsoever.  Anyway, this morning I decided to start my own blog.  

AND I SHALL BLOG EVERY SINGLE DAY!  Except for when I don't.

If I were everything to everyone everywhere I would have a freaking PANIC ATTACK.  And my younger sister would come home with my neighbor and as me 'are yew habing anothew newbous bweakdown, mommy?'  And then they would growl/mew like a baby tiger.

While searching for this picture I found out that the top five trending image searches are:

1. Kim Kardashian Wedding Dress

2. Laila Ali

3. Pygmy Marmoset

4. Rod Blagojevich (who looks totally sexy there)

5. Iftar Meals

I kinda wondered what iftar meals were, so i Wikied it!  It's the evening meal the Muslims have right before sunset to break Ramadan.  Ta-da!  Wiki shall be my new friend. :)